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GoNoodle Spotlight
Take a few minutes and fire up one of these great GoNoodle videos to keep kids of all ages active and engaged.
- Sponsored - 13 days left2:44
Get ready to roll out with your classmates and the Transformers One dance squad. Together As ONE!
- 2:48
D-I-S-C-O that's the way we DISCO, so shake your thing along to this funky, funky song!
Exercises for Energy and Empowerment
These activities are designed to help kids recognize and channel their energy and bring some power into their day.
- 2:10
Sing, dance and let your GOOD ENERGY flow with the GoNoodle gang in a GoNoodle Hang!
Stretch and Move During National Yoga Awareness Month
Focus on flexibility and stretching all September to celebrate National Yoga Awareness Month.
- 3:13
Stretch and learn how to release the warrior in you with this empowering video.
- Sponsored1:51
Get your yoga pose on and do an upward facing dog with Om Petalhead in this level 2 Flexibility exercise, brought to you by Special Olympics.
Writing Exercises To Download and Print
Teachers and parents can download these activities for kids to practice writing and grammar skills.
Recently Watched
Don't forget to sign in or register on GoNoodle to see your recently-watched videos right here.
- 3:23
Sing and dance because the great big moose drank some juice and now he's on the loose with Mother Goose!
- 3:20
Jump, duck, and dodge around obstacles to help Moose Fabio deliver delicious, juicy meatballs to his GrandMoose Filomena.
- 2:36
Sing and Dance along with Moose Fabio and the Moose Tube bunch in this musical meatball extravaganza!
Popular On GoNoodle
If we had to choose one word to describe these videos it would be "popular." Yeah, that's exactly the word.
- Back To School
Back To School
- 4:18
Put your Think Tanker, Cheese Chomper, Neck Nodder, Sleeve Slider, Seat Softener, and everything to good use in this Knicky Knacky Knocky NEW song!
- 3:07
Make your arms into angles and lines with this super aCUTE song that has no parallel!
- 2:45
Even if you don't want to jump, the Mac Dad, the Daddy Mac AND Kris Kross will make you JUMP! JUMP to this fly song!