Alpha Groove Page
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Alpha Groove
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Arch like the A, bounce like the B, and climb like the C in this fun alphabet song!
Awesome sauce! Dance, jog, wiggle or shake to this stellar song. [GONOODLE, "ALPHA GROOVE"] This song is dedicated to all the movers and shakers out there. Come on, let's get our alpha groove on. A, A, arch like the A. Arch like the A, because that's a OK. B, B, bounce like the B. Bounce like the B, bouncing over the B. C, C, climb like the C. Climb like the C climbing up a tree. D, D, duck like the D. And quack like the duck ducking under the sea. E, E, enjoy like an E. Jump up for joy and enjoy everything. F, F, go fast like the F. Faster than the faster than the fastest giraffe. G, G, gallop like the G. Like a horse, of course named Jeff Mc Jeffrey. H, H, hop like the H. Hops don't stop like the H on this page. I, I, itch like the I. Itch like the I but don't it's your eye. J, J, jump like the J. Jump high, jump low, jump over the hay. K, K, kick like the K. But don't kick your kitten cause that's not OK. L, L Love like the L. Hug all your love you just might as well. M, M, move like the M. Move your body, everybody. And do it with a grin. N, N, nap like the N. Hands in your lap. Take a nap, get all z. O, O, open like the O. Open up your arms. Wave them fast. Wave them slow. P, P, pop like the P. Pop like the popcorn you eat at the movie. Q, Q, quiver like a Q. Shake and shiver like the quivering too. R, R, run like the R. Run faster than the cheetah or Ferrari race cars. F, shake like the F. Shake like maracas, shake in excess. T, T, throw like a T. Throw legendary balls at the giant TV. U, U, go under like a U. Go under, down under with a kangaroo. V, V, Vote like the V. Raise your hand. Take a stand for what you believe. W, W, Walk like the W. Walk like it. Talk like it. Wait It's a W. X, marks the spots like the X. Don't want to jump on it. It's not so complex. Y, Y, yawn like a Y. You're wired, you're tired, this song is the reason why. Z, Z. Catch up on your Zs. Got to sleep. Count some sheep, cause we're are all done now. Zzzz.