Switch Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
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Switch up behavior and go in a new direction with this calming mix of mindfulness and coordination.
(light music) Voiceover Ever feel like you're doing the wrong thing? Going in the wrong direction? With practice, maybe you can get your behavior to change. Switch it up, go in a new direction. It might feel weird, but it might just work. Give it a try. Stand up tall. Raise your hands to shoulder height. Let your palms face you. Elbows point out to your sides. Make gentle fists. Your knuckles are actually facing each other. Move your fists in circles. Switch directions. Your arms stay where they are. Let your circling fists go in different directions and at different speeds. In three, two, one, stop. Now, on your left hand, give a thumbs up. Use your pointer finger on your right hand to point sideways toward that left hand. Got it? Good. Now, it gets funky. Keep your hands where they are and switch thumb and pointer so that just your left hand's pointer finger is pointing and just your right hand's thumb is up. Tricky huh? You're training your brain to switch it up. Go slowly. Ready? Switch. Pointer and thumb. Switch. Pointer and thumb. Go at your own pace. Switch. Switch it up. Say it to yourself if that helps. Switch. Switch. Switch. (gentle music) When you feel done, go ahead and drop your arms to your sides. Let your hands kind of dangle from your wrists. Let your brain rest. Detect your next breath in your body. Feel it move in, and feel it move out. (gentle music)