From Mindless to Mindful Page

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From Mindless to Mindful
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Practice being mindful and letting your attention rest on just this moment.
[MUSIC PLAYING] From mindless to mindful. To be mindful is to let your attention rest on this moment, on just right now. Let's practice being in the moment. Your body is still right now. Can you feel that? Your breath is moving in and out of your nose. Can you notice that? Rest one hand on your chest. Can you feel your breath? Move that hand to your belly. Notice breath there. Can you feel that? Bring your hands around to your back. Breath might be moving there. Feel that? This bell is ringing right now. Can you hear that? [BELL RINGING] Where is your attention? Did it wander? It's OK. That's what minds do. Let's practice a little bit more. Now this bell is ringing. Can you hear that? [BELL RINGING] This green dot is still. Can you see that? Some of the other dots are moving. Notice that, and then focus your attention on the very still dot. Return your attention to your body. Hands. They're still. Can you feel them? Feet are still. Can you feel them? You are here right now. Can you feel that? In this moment, you are mindful. Do you notice that? There are moments in your day when you can practice being mindful. When you are reading, just read. When you are tying your shoe, just tie your shoe. When you are chewing your food, just chew. Your mind can be full of one thing, one moment at a time. [MUSIC PLAYING]