Be A Good Friend Page

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Be A Good Friend
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Take a moment to set an intention to be a good friend to someone.
Think about it. Sit or stand up straight. Take a deep breath and follow along. [MUSIC PLAYING] Think of a time when you needed a friend, someone to help you out. Maybe you needed them to listen or to just be there for you, just be with you. It felt good, right? You can be that kind of friend, that kind of support to others. Find a moment to be a good friend today. Notice when somebody needs you, decide to be there for them, offer to help. Maybe you just listen to their story, or giggle at their joke, or say, yep, I see what you mean. Friendship is not about a big thing. It's about a million little things, things you can do every day. [MUSIC PLAYING] Be a good friend today. [MUSIC PLAYING]