The Thundermans: Undercover - 100 SUPER SECONDS! Page

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Join Chloe, Phoebe, and Max Thunderman in a top-secret practice mission to get moving and count to 100 in 100 SUPER seconds!
Nickelodeon presents 100 super seconds with the Thundermans. Greetings Go Noodlers! We're here today to put your super abilities to the test in a super special Thundermans undercover practice mission. Our cover, counting 100 super seconds. Vice principal Max Tastic here. Ready to start the clock. Are you ready? Activate T-force in 3, 2, 1. For each level, you can sit down or stand up. First up, teleportation twists. I always stretch before teleporting anywhere, so twist it out with me as we count to 30. Raise your arms to each side and twist from left to right at your own pace. Get ready in 3, 2, 1, twist. Here we go. You got this. That's it. Keep going. You guys are doing great. You're almost there. 10 more seconds. Keep going. A few seconds more. 27, 28. 29, pause. You did it. That was twist tastic. Next up, telekinesis training with Phoebe. In a superhero standoff, I have to be ready to bring the thunder to the T-force. Are you ready to practice your telekinesis? Place your fingers on the ends of your eyebrows and turn from left to right to block objects with your totally awesome telekinesis powers. Let's go Go Noodle T-force in 3, 2, 1. Let's go. You got this. Here we go. You're doing great. Keep moving things with your mind. That's it. You're almost there. Keep going. A few seconds more. 57, 58, 59, pause. Way to go, T-force. That was mind bending. Now it's time for the next countdown to 90 with Vice Principal Max. I mean, Max Tastic. Whoa. We are really heating up now. Let's bring the thunder and practice with some squats or arm circles to get our heat breath powers fired up. Team arm circles, stay seated with your arms out straight to each side and make circles in the air to get your hea breath super powers fired up. Team squats, stand with your feet shoulder width apart and bend your knees like you're about to sit-in a chair in the air layer. Get ready to bring the thunder. In 3, 2, 1. Here we go. Let's go. Keep going. Yes. You're doing great. You got it. Keep going. You're almost there. It's all you. 87, 88, 89. Horn. Way to go. Blazing victory. Now get ready to enter the home stretch. We're almost there, superheroes. Get ready to super sprint to 100. In 3, 2, 1. It's go time! Go, go, go. Amazing job. You got this. 97, 98, 99, you did it. Way to go, T-force. You made it through 100 super seconds of mission practice. All thanks to Max Tastic's fire heat breath skills. Remember, keep moving and grooving every day to stay strong and healthy So you can be ready to tackle any mission. The Thundermans Undercover is on Nickelodeon.