The Mooderators: Worried Page

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There’s a lot of things that can make us worry. Worrying can make our bodies hurt or our muscles tense! The Mooderators are here to help you relax a little.
I'm Skylar. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Clara. And we're the Mooderators. Get up and dance with us. However you like. You can march. Or just groove a little in your chair. Just move to the music. However you want. (SINGING) No matter how you're feeling, need someone to heal you. (SINGING) Let's take a moment to let your body move. (SINGING) It's a new day. And the Mooderators are here for you. (SINGING) For you, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] for you. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Doesn't matter how you move. Yeah. Mooderators are here for you, for you. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] for you. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] I am so worried about my dentist appointment this week. I'm worried about my test on Friday. What if I forget all the answers or I don't even know them? My stomach hurts when I worry and my shoulders get tight. Sometimes I get sweaty, and I just can't think straight. In Spanish, worried it's called [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH].. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] or [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] So what do we do when we're worried? Well, it's important to notice how our body is feeling. You can do a lot of things to feel a little better when you feel worried. One thing to do is tense and relax our muscles. Any time you feel worried, you can notice how your body feels from head to toe. Let's try it. Start by sitting down. [MUSIC PLAYING] And once you're comfortable, you can close your eyes and let your hands hang down loose sides. Now let's breathe a little. Breathe in through your nose. 1, 2, 3, 4. And out through your mouth. [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Now close your eyes and bring your attention to the top of your head. How does it feel? Quiet, tingly? Keep breathing. As you do, pretend like you are holding a ball of clay in your left hand and squeeze as hard as you can then release. Try it now with your right hand. [MUSIC PLAYING] Let the clay fall from your hand. How does that feel? Feel your back against the chair and raise your hands above your head. Try and touch the ceiling with your fingertips. Keep reaching, reaching, reaching. Now let them drop by your size quickly. Ooh. Your shoulders sink down nice and relaxed. Doesn't that feel good? Now bring your attention to your feet and legs. Try and make them as tight as you can, squeezing your knees together like you're trying to squish a tennis ball between them. [MUSIC PLAYING] Now release your knees and let your tennis ball fall nice and relaxed. Take a deep breath. And feel how good it feels to let your body relax. Now slowly open your eyes. Take a look around. Notice where you are and how you feel. I bet you feel a little better, don't you? I feel much better. I still have to study for my test, but now I feel like I can focus. I'll help you. See you next time. GoNoodle. [MUSIC PLAYING]