Bee Breath Page

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Bee Breath
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Get rid of anxiety and frustration with these relaxing bee breaths.
[MUSIC PLAYING] A bee breath. [BUZZING] Honey bees can recognize human faces. Can they recognize moose faces? Good question. And I don't know. Oh. But I do know that bee breaths are an amazing way to calm down. To get your breath on, sit up straight, close your eyes, put your fingers gently in your ears, and breathe in. Then breathe out making the sound of a humming bee. Try it. [INHALES] [HUMMING] Now make sure you're comfy. And let's take some deep breaths. Ready? OK. Breathe in. [INHALES] Hum out. [HUMMING] Breathe in. [INHALES] And hum out. [HUMMING] In. [INHALES] And out. [HUMMING] In. [INHALES] Hum out. [HUMMING] Breathe in. [INHALES] Hum out. [HUMMING] In. [INHALES] And out. [HUMMING] Breathe in. [INHALES] Hum out. [HUMMING] Great. Bee breaths are great for when you're frustrated, anxious, or even angry. Well, what about when you're hungry? [LAUGHS] No. Oh. Well, it's worth a try. [MUSIC PLAYING]