Indoor Recess: It's Raining Cats 'N' Dogs Page

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Indoor Recess: It's Raining Cats 'N' Dogs
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This 10-minute mega mix is made up of a litter of pawsome feline and canine videos.
Indoor Recess It's Raining Cats and Dogs. Hi, I'm coach Terry. You can call me Coach Terry, and you can call this Indoor Recess. I put together a perfect megamix for you, filled with a whole litter of pawsome videos. Get it? Litter? Pawsome? Yeehaw. So doggone it, let's let the cat out of the bag right now. Kitty high fives, kitty high five, kitty high fives, Give the kitty high five? The cat has a mustache. Give your friend a high five. The cat read a book. Give yourself a high five. The cat put its head in bread. Give your nose a high five. The cat hid in a boot. Give your shoe a high five. Kitty high fives. Kitty high five. Kitty high fives. Give the kitty high five? The cat is a caserole. Give the air a high five. The cat licked a clock. Give your knee a high five. The cat was a diva. Give your teacher a high five. The cat refereed soccer. Give your five a high five. Kitty high fives. Kitty high fives. Kitty high fives. Give the kitty high five? The cat flew in the air. Give your eyes a high five. The cat dressed like a cow. Give your bro a high five. The cat bucked its eyes. Give your four a high five. The cat typed a memo. Give a chair a high five. Kitty high fives. Kitty high five. Kitty high fives. Give the kitty high fives. Kitty high fives. Kitty high fives. Kitty high five. Give the kitty high five. Good kitty. Catman in space, space, space. Meowza. I'm stranded on a strange planet. What a catastrophe. I've simply got to find the alien leader so I can get back home. Come with me. Run. Jump. Whoa. Pawlease get me out of here. Dodge right. Lava me alone. Duck. Cheerios, space chap. Duck. That was a close one. Fur real. Dodge right. Pardon meow. Jump. Take me to your leader. Dodge left. Hope that wasn't a stop sign. Jump. Look out. Duck. I wish that was a saucer of milk. Jump. Strange things are afoot. Dodge left. Was that my cousin Purrcevil? Jump. Whoa. Dodge right. Whoa. Jump Avoid the droid. Dodge left. Aye, chihuahua. Jump. Yikes. Duck. Was that a dorse or a luck? Jump. I just missed the point. Jump. Duck. I'm on cheese. Meowse Kick. I'm having a ball up here. Weave. Am I back from the '80s? Duck. Another pawsome maneuver. Jump. I hope that wasn't a cookbook. Duck. Great balls of fire. Hello. I come in peace. Live long and prospurr. May the paws be with you. Um, catman phone home? Meow. Don't flee. Dance along freestyle with the tail in 10 peppy puppy. Get it? Dance, puppy, dance. Dance, puppy dance. Dance, puppy, dance. Do my peppy puppy dance. Peppy want a treat? Want some yum to eat? Then get up on your feet and do the peppy puppy dance. Oh, everybody, sing. Dance, puppy, dance. Dance, puppy, dance. Like Beyonce. Dance, puppy, dance. Do the peppy puppy dance. Once again peeps. Dance, puppy, dance. This is fun, right? Dance, puppy, dance. Dance, puppy, dance. Do the peppy puppy dance. Puppy is so sweet, dancing to the beat. Let's give him some meat for his peppy puppy dance. Oh, everybody. Dance, puppy, dance. Get jiggy with it. Dance, puppy, dance. #puppylove. Dance, puppy, dance. Do the peppy puppy dance. Big ending now. Dance, puppy, dance. You're a rockstar. Dance, puppy, dance. It's a broccolli. Dance, puppy, dance. Do the peppy puppy dance. Oh, puppy, you're so peppy. Not so close. Maybe it's time to brush your teeth. Everybody run like the kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run, run, run, run. Wait, is that the kitty, kitty? Kind of looks like a raccoon. Maybe it's a beaver. I don't know my animals. Run like the raccoon kitty. Run like the beaver kitty. Run like the brown thing on the screen. Run, run, run, run. Where is he running anyway? Maybe to the Wizard Steve to ask to be a unicorn. Nah, he likes being a thingamajiggy. Run like the happy kitty beaver raccoon and mix-up thingy. Run like whatever he is. Just run, run, run. Run to the Wizard Steve, ask him for some swiss cheese. Make sure that you say please just like the running kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run like the kitty, kitty. Run, run, run, run. Run like the kitty, kitty. This song is over now. Sorry that it didn't rhyme. I just needed to finish the verse. Mr. Catman is talking to his grandma, Momma Kitty. Put one hand on your head and pat it like Mr. Catman. Next, put your other hand on your belly and rub it around in a circle. Now let's combine the two. Pat your head gently with one hand, while your other hand rubs in a circle on your belly. You got it? Pat your head with one hand and rub your other hand in a circle on your belly. Seem familiar? This is a classic brain exercise. Pause and try switching hands. Pat your head with the hand that was rubbing your belly, and rub your belly with the hand that was patting your head. Keep at it. You can do this. There's a possibility you can do it on one side and not the other. It's OK, practice makes purrfect. For real. You all are going to have some more with these one for bone doggies. Yeehaw. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Doggie high fives. Give a doggy high five. The dog drove a car. Give your nose a high five. The dog dreamed of beef. Give your thigh a high five. The dog rode a skateboard. Give the air a high five. The dog wore a tutu. Give your shoe a high five. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Give the doggy high five. The dog got married. Give your back a high five. The dog had a ginormous tongue. Give the floor a high five. The dog stared at donuts. Give your face a high five. The dog's head was poofy. Give the wall a high five. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Give the doggy high five. The dog licked the donkey. Give your eyeball high five. The dog wore a sombrero. Give your calf a high five. The dog taught math. Give your three a high five. The dog was a frog. Give anything you want a high five. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Give the doggy high five. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Doggy high fives. Give the doggy high five. Who's a good doggy? It's over already? You've got to be kidding me. I hope moving and grooving is giving you a new leash on life. Get it? Leash? Oh, who knew Coach Terry was so punny? Yeehaw. Meow for now.