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High Velocity
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Turn up the heat and the energy with this intensely awesome 20 minute workout.
[MUSIC PLAYING] What's up, Aaron from Fresh Start Fitness here. I'm with David. Hey, what's up, everyone? DJ Kevin. And Sean. [GUITAR RIFF] We've got a full 20 minute workout for you. Some things are easy and some are tough. If anything feels too intense, just march in place or jog or just catch your breath. When you're ready, jump back in. Now let's kick things off with a warm-up so you're ready to move. Let's get that neck rolling. And reverse. Other side. Reverse again. The other way. And once more. Now back to the left. All right, let's get some arm circles. Arm circles to the front. Come on. And reverse. Reverse. Don't forget to breathe. Get a good stretch. Forward. Forward Reverse. Reverse. Get a good stretch. Good stretch. All right. We're going to cross our arms over our body. Feel the stretch in your back. Feel the stretch. Stretch it out. All right. Very good. Now we're going to go down to the center and stretch our legs over to the side. To the side. The other side. To the other side. Back to the center. Stretch it out. To the side. To the side. Come on. The other side. The other side. And a few more times. Stretch it out. You got this. Come on. Once more. To the side. To the other side. To the middle. All right. We're going to get a couple lunges to stretch the legs out here and warm-up our leg muscles. We're doing lunges right now. Come on. Stretch those legs out. Down. Down. Come on. Stretch it out. Couple more, guys. Couple more lunges. You can do it. Come on. Stretch it out. All right. A few arm circles. Get loose. We're going to do some knee raises across our body. Here we go. Come on. Stretch it out. Come on. Switch. Lift up the knee. Lift it high. Let it meet your elbow. Switch. Come on. You got this. You were born to do this. Switch. Come on. Switch. All right. Now that you're all warmed up, you're ready to work out. We'll take it slow at first, and then it's going to get intense. Let's do this. All right. These are hot feet, guys. Stay on the balls of your feet. Stay on the balls of your feet. You got to be quick. No pain, no gain. All right. We're doing four corner box jumps. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. All right, here we go. Robot jacks. Bicep, stretch them out. Come on. Stretch those biceps. Side. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Stretch those-- All right. Hot feet. Stay on the balls of your feet. Come on. You got to be quick. Don't give up. You got this. You can do it. All right, here we go, four corner box jumps. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. You can do it. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Front. Side. Back. Side. Come on. All right, here we go. Robot jacks. Stretch your biceps. Don't forget to breathe. Middle. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Side. Middle. Stretch your biceps. Come on. You got it. You got it. I'm impressed. Side. Middle-- Back to those hot feet. Hot feet. Stay on your toes. Stay on the feet. Come on. Almost there. We're coming to the end. You're going to do it. I know you are. Great job. That wasn't hard, right? We're going to pick up the pace a bit and work your quads and your calves. Let's get pumping. Tight arm circles, guys. This is a shoulder exercise. Stretch those shoulders. All right, we're going to do heel taps. Here we go. Opposite arm. Opposite leg. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Opposite arm and opposite leg. Stretch it out. Frog squat. Squat down like you're sitting in the chair. Palms to the floor. Palms to the floor. All right, skaters. And Travoltas. Back to the heel taps. Opposite arm. Opposite leg. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Frog squats. Palm to the floor. Palm to the floor. Sit down like you're in the chair. Stretch it out. And back to skaters. Come on, move. Move, move, move, move, move. You're rocking this. Cha, cha, cha. Come on. Travoltas. Hey, come on. Here we go. All right. We're going back to those heel taps. Let's go. Opposite hand. Opposite leg. Get low. Down, up. Down, up. Get low. Opposite hand. Opposite leg. Stretch it out. Frog squat. Palms to the floor. Sit down like you're sitting in a chair. Palms to the floor. All right, guys, we're going to get some tight arm circles again. Stretch out the shoulders. This is a shoulder exercise. Stretch it out. All right. We're going to jump with it. Just a little jump. Little jump. Working out your legs and your shoulders right now. We're getting ready to get back into those heel taps. Come on. You got this. Let's go. Opposite hand. Opposite leg. Get down. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Opposite hand. Opposite leg. Come on. And frog squats. Here we go. Palms to the floor. Sit low like you're in a chair. Stretch it out. Stretch your quad here. Yes. You rocked that. We're about halfway through a workout now. Let's try to keep the energy up and blast through these last few songs. Let's go into overdrive. Side bends, guys. Work those obliques. Twisting lunge. Twist to the knee, to the opposite knee. Twist it out. Twist it out. Come on. Twist it out to the opposite knee. All right, seal jacks. Here we go. Keep those arms up. Shoulder height. Come on. All right. Double time. Keep those arms up. Twisting lunge. To the knee. To the knee. Twist it out. Work that core. Work it out. Twist. Twist to the knee, to the knee. To the opposite knee. Come on. Toe touches across your body. Opposite arm. Opposite foot. Here we go, back into lunges. Twist to the opposite knee. You got this. Come on. Twist it out. Are you ready to roll? Come on. Twist it out to the opposite knee. Come on. All right. Side bends. Work those obliques. Come on, work them out. Work them. You're doing great. Let's catch your breath and get ready for what's coming up next, legs and biceps. Take a deep breath in and slowly breathe out. Now shake your body. Breathe in once more and out. And get ready for some energy rock. Forward lunges, guys. Lunges. Stretch your quads. Stretch it out. Don't let your knees get in front of your toes. All right, guys, we're going to do a split squat jump. Here we go. If you can't do this, we're going to do a regular jump, follow David. Work those legs. All right. Bodybuilders, guys. Flex those biceps. Flex those biceps. Jump. All right, here we go into the split squat jump. Nice. That was nuts. Take a deep breath in and out. All right. Get ready, because this is the most intense part of the workout. You've been building up to this, and I know you can make it through. If something gets too intense, just march or jog in place. And when you're ready to go, jump back in. Are you ready to go the speed of fire? We're Going to march. Get those knees up high. Get those knees up. All right, guys, we're going to do a squat jack, just a second. Here we go. Come on. You can do it. Work those quads. Come on. Hey. You can do it. Work it. All right. We're going to vertical box with an elliptical. Here we go. Keep breathing and work it. Opposite arm. Opposite leg. Couple more to keep it going. You got this. There's no stopping now. All right. Back into squat jacks. (SINGING) Hey (SPEAKING) Come on. (SINGING) You can do it You can do it (SPEAKING) Come on. (SINGING) Hey (SPEAKING) Work those quads. Come on. (SINGING) You can do it All right, side boxers. What you want to do? What you want to do? What do you want to do? All right, an elliptical. Here we go. Come on. Work it. Work it. Work it. Work it out. All right. Everyone, catch your breath. This last part is going to be tough. I need you to breathe deep. All right. Deep breath in and out. All right, let's get ready for squat jack jumps. Feet out. In, up. If this is too tough, look at my buddy David and touch the sky. Come on. Here we go. Touch the sky. (SINGING) You can do (SPEAKING) Feel the burn. Yes, you did it. Amazing workout, everyone. Give the person next to you a high five. Let's get ready to cool down. All right. We're just going to march and take deep breaths. Take it easy right here. Nice and slow. All right. Very good. Now, to neck rolls. Make it stretch. Stretch out the neck right here. Reverse. And reverse again. All right. Arm circles. Stretch your shoulders right here. Arm circles. Stretch the shoulders out. Reverse. Let's go back. All right. Bring your arms across your body. And hold. Hold it. Feel the stretch there. Everybody down to the center. Hold it nice. We're bringing the heart rate down. Stretch it out. To the side. To the other side. Stretch out those hamstrings. All right. Let's get a couple lunges here. Stretch it out. Other side. Switch again. And one more time. All right, everybody, march it out here. Nice deep breaths. (SINGING) Breathe it in Take it slow All right. And everybody, just shake it out a little bit. Very good. That's it. Thanks for working out with us today. Your bodies and your brains should be energized and ready to learn. Fresh Start, out.