Wishy Washy Washer Woman Page

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Wishy Washy Washer Woman
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Sing and move along to this crazy camp song about the Wishy Washy Washer Woman!
Wishy washy. (snapping sound) Washing her clothes She goes ooh, ah She goes ooh, ah She goes ooh, ah And that's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Washes her clothes. Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Ducking from crows She goes, ah, crows She goes, ah, crows She goes, ah Dove. That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Ducks from crows Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Smelling her toes She goes (sniff) Ah She goes (sniff) Ah She goes (sniff) Eww That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Smells her toes Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Striking a pose She goes check out these She goes check out these She goes, ah Ow, my back. That's how the wishy washy washer woman Strikes a pose Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Blowing her nose She goes, achoo She goes, achoo She goes (blows nose) Eww. (laughs) That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Blows her nose Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman High fiving bros She goes, yo bros She goes, yo bros She goes, yo sis That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman High fives her bros Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Running real slow She goes, slow mo She goes, slow mo She goes Real fast! (laughs) That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Runs real slow Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Making free thows She goes, boom, swish She goes, boom, swish She goes Air ball. That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Makes free thows Way down in the valley where nobody goes There's a Wishy Washy Washer Woman Taking a doze She goes (snoring) That's how the Wishy Washy Washer Woman Takes a doze Man Yo, Wishy Washy Washer Woman. Wake up! What, what? I'm up! What's here for lunch?