The Mooderators: Bully in Your Head Page

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When the bully in your head talks to you, you can learn to talk back just like The Mooderators!
[CHILDREN CHEERING] [MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Sometimes we have thoughts that are trying to bring us down. They might have US feeling, blue but it doesn't mean they're true. If the bully in your head says you're not smart, we say, oh no, that's not right. I know numbers, I know numbers, [SINGING IN SPANISH],, and colors, too. Look at all the things I've learned to do. I'm proud-- I'm proud-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --of how I practice every day-- --of how I practice every day-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --to fight the bully in my head --to fight the bully in my head by treating myself how I would treat a really good friend. Being patient, being kind when a bad thought comes to mind. I can change it-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --into something that feels right. --into something that feels right. Sometimes we need to investigate. Put our detective skills to the test. Those thoughts, where are they coming from, and can we prove them wrong? If the bully in your head says something mean, we say, I'm sorry, I disagree. I am kind-- I am kind-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --and capable, too. --and capable, too. Look at all the things I've learned to do. I'm proud-- I'm proud-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --of how I practice every day-- --of how I practice every day-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --to fight the bully in my head --to fight the bully in my head by treating myself how I would treat a really good friend. Being patient, being kind when a bad thought comes to mind. I can change it-- [SINGING IN SPANISH] --into something that feels right. --into something that feels right. [CHEERING]