Mood Walk Page

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Explore, name, and act out your emotions as you go on a mood walk with Blazer Fresh.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Everyone feels emotion. And since we all feel them, it's good to get to know them and name them, so then we can handle them. That's why we're going to take a mood walk. Yes. Word. Moon. No, no, no, we're going to mood walk. Mood, mood. Not moonwalk. Oh. But I mean, you don't have to feel the emotions. You just have to name them and then move with them. And if at any time these emotions feel like they're too much, just take a pause-- [WHISTLES] --and join back when you feel ready. All right, come on, let's walk in place together, just casual, like you're chilling, a regular walk. Now I'm going to name any emotion, and you walk like that emotion. Got it. Let's do it. Walk like you're impatient. Jittery steps, walk side to side, then back, crunched up face, tight, jaw. Ring your hands. Look at your watch. You are impatient. [MUSIC PLAYING] Go back to neutral. Now walk like you're happy. Springy steps to up on toes. Smile on your face, arms open to sides. You are happy. Now go back to neutral. Walk like you're mad. Loud stomps, tight hands, tense face, piercing eyes. You are mad. Go back to neutral. Walk like you're excited. Arms up and wide, quick breath, fingers spread wide and mouth open wide with eyebrows up. You are excited. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK, go back to neutral. Now walk like your calm. Gentle, slow steps, head looking forward, eyes open, smooth breath, slight smile, relaxed hands. You are calm. [MUSIC PLAYING] Go back to neutral. Walk like you're sad. Quiet, slow feet stepping, slumping shoulders, frown, and droopy eyes. You are sad. Go back to neutral. Walk like you're worried. Tip-toe stepping, crunch the brow, darting eyes, hands in front to protect herself. You are worried. Reset. Go back to neutral. Walk like you're eager. Open arms, feet step with energy. March all springy, eyebrows up. Smile. You are eager. Go back to neutral. Walk like you're bored. Saunter, sliding feet slowly, like skating; flat expression, staring forward. Arms just hang. You are bored. Go back to neutral. Walk like you're brave. [MUSIC PLAYING] Marching, hands open, ready to do something, head slightly up, eyes wide open, subtle smile. You are brave. Nice walking, people. Naming your moods and emotions helps us get to know them. Because that's what it's all about-- Being blazer fresh. Yes. [MUSIC PLAYING]