Think Like a Scientist Page

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Observe, hypothesize, experiment, report, and analyze as you sing and dance to this scienteriffic song!
"Think Like a Scientist." [BLAZER FRESH, "THINK LIKE A SCIENTIST"] Ouch! That blazer is very fresh. Ah, let me get my lab coat on. OK, let's rap now. (SINGING) Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Put the process in your brain Let's get everybody trying to Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Rule that lab like a fierce science lioness Observe, what? Ask a question Hypothesize, hmm Propose an answer Experiment, [? yehoo ?] Test the question Analyze Bam, look at the results Report There it is Tell them what you learned Bring that lab heat, y'all Bunsen burn (SPEAKING) Wait, isn't that the scientific method? Yeah, that's just another way of saying it. Got it. (SINGING) To observe, you ask a question and then start to theorize Make an educated guess about the question In order to hypothesize When you experiment, test the question Then analyze or study what happened Finally, you can report the results Share it in writing, and then start rapping Let's rap now Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Put the process in your brain Let's get everybody trying to Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Rule that lab like a fierce science lioness (SPEAKING) All right, here's my experiment. What can I use to stop an egg from breaking when it's dropped? Uh, I don't know. Well-- (SINGING) Observe What's the question? Could bread protect an egg if I drop it? Hypothesize, make an educated guess I bet three slices would nicely stop it Experiment, try it out I had to drop a lot of eggs Analyze I can keep the egg safe with five slices of bread Report, share the data Don't keep it in your head Graphs, pictures, and writing earn you real scientist cred I'm a scientist Think like a scientist Put the process in your brain Let's get everybody trying to Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Rule that lab like a fierce science lionness Observe, what? Ask a question Hypothesize, hmm Propose an answer Experiment, [? yehoo ?] Test the question Analyze Bam, look at the results Report There it is Tell them what you learned, yeah Bring that lab heat, y'all Bunsen burn Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Put the process in your brain Let's get everybody trying to Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Rule that lab like a fierce science lioness Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Put the process in your brain Let's get everybody trying to Think like a scientist, think like a scientist Rule that lab like a fierce science lioness Rule that lab (SPEAKING) Are you going to eat that? It's really just five raw eggs cracked on a loaf of bread. I could put it in the microwave. That's really gross, bro. [LAUGHS] Beep, boop.