Whale Breath Page

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Whale Breath
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Calm down when you’re angry with these deep whale breaths.
Whale breath. [MUSIC PLAYING] Whee! Whales have a lot in common with people. They're very social. They take great care of their children. And they can be really affectionate. Oh-ho! They have a lot in common with moose, too. Oh, yeah, Fabio! And they breathe air, just like the both of us. Oh! So, right now we're going to do some whale breaths. Okey-dokey! To get your whale breath on, sit down. Oh, yes, yes. Sit up tall. Mm-hmm. Take a deep breath in. Then tilt your head up, and put your hands around your mouth to make a blowhole, like a whale. Now exhale out of the blowhole. Ready? Let's try one. All right. So now get nice and comfortable. Close your eyes or keep them open, whatever feels right to you. And let's do seven whale breaths Nice whale breaths! These breaths are great when you're feeling angry, and you need to calm down. I feel nice and calm. And now, I want to give you another hug! Oh! Thanks, Fabio. Ah! Ah, ciao, my friends. [INHALES] Ah!