Moose Fabio Don't Wear No Socks Page

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Moose Fabio Don't Wear No Socks
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Moose Fabio might not wear socks, but he sure can dance!
[MUSIC PLAYING] (SINGING) Zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom. Zoom-zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom-- A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong. Moose Fabio don't wear no socks. A ding dong. I saw him when he took them off. A ding dong. He threw them over the fence. A ding dong. And we haven't seen the neighbors since. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong. A ding dong. Moose Fabio don't wear no socks. A ding dong. I saw him when he took them off. A ding dong. He threw them in the lake. A ding dong. And all the fish started to regurgitate. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong down. A ding dong. Moose Fabio don't wear no socks. A ding dong. I saw him when he took them off. A ding dong. He threw them in my bed. A ding dong. Now I'm forced to sleep in the shed. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong. Moose Fabio don't wear no socks. A ding dong. I saw him when he took them off. A ding dong. He threw them in the sky. A ding dong. And now Superman refuses to fly. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong. Moose Fabio don't wear no socks. A ding dong. I saw him when he took them off. A ding dong. He threw them in outer space. A ding dong. And that was the end of the human race. A. Ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong dong dong dong. A ding dong. Fabio, we all chipped in, and we got you some new socks. Oh, grazie! They're moose tube socks. Oh, Fabio! He is so funny. A ding dong dong dong dong.