Run Like the Kitty Page

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Run Like the Kitty
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Run like the kitty in this ridiculously wacky song!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Awesome sauce! Dance, jog, wiggle or shake to this stellar song. Everybody run like the kitty (SINGING) Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run, run, run, run Wait, is that the kitty, kitty? Kind of looks like a raccoon Maybe it's a beaver I don't know my animals Run like the raccoon kitty Run like the beaver kitty Run like the brown thing on the screen Run, run, run, run Where's he running anyway? Maybe to the wizard Steve track to ask to be a unicorn Nah, he likes being a thing-a-ma-jiggy Run like the happy kitty beaver raccoony something Run like whatever he is Just run, run, run, run Run to the wizard Steve Ask him for some Swiss cheese Make sure that you say please Just like the running kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run, run, run, run Run like the kitty, kitty This song is over now Sorry that it didn't rhyme I just needed to finish the verse