Fast Friends Page

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Fast Friends
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Get ready to make friends with Flash Bolton...FAST! Don't be shy, it's easy as pie!
Fast friends! [ENGINE REVVING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, GoNoodlers, welcome to my home, Lightning Lake. This is where I practice all of my wheelies, dealies, and feelies. Are you ready to go fast? Well, here we go! (SINGING) My name is Flash. Oh, yeah, you better hold on. I love to dash. Because I'm Flash Bolton. No time to waste. I'm going to get a move on. Making friends-- Woo! (SINGING) --because I'm Flash Bolton. Speeding round Lightning Lake, I'm not a shy guy. When I see a face, I brake. I say, hey, hi! How's it going? Hello. I don't believe we've met. I'm Flash Bolton. Hi, Flash. (SINGING) we're in the same camp, you and me. Everybody's a champ, so come on, let's be fast friends, fast friends. So glad I met you. Fast Friends, fast friends. I won't forget you. Fast friends, fast friends. Oh, yeah, you betcha. Ooh, yeah! Fast friends! Now, I want to do the fast friends dance. Put your arms like this. All right. Here we go. Wave to your left. Wave to your right. Yeah. Wave to your left. Wave to your right. [? That's it. ?] Put 'em up high. Put 'em down low. [INAUDIBLE] And wheel! [ENGINE REVVING] Wave to your left. Wave to your right. Oh, yeah. Wave to your left. Wave to your right. Good job! Put 'em up high. Put 'em down low. Even lower. And wheel! Fast friends. Fast friends. So glad I met you. Fast friends. Fast friends. I won't forget you. Fast friends. Fast friends. Oh, yeah, you betcha. Oh, yeah. Fast friends! Making friends is easy as pie. Mm, pie. Just give a quick wave and don't be shy. And say, hey! Hey. Hi! Hi! How's it going? It's nice to meet you. I'm Flash Bolton. We met earlier. (SINGING) We're in the same camp, you and me. Everybody's a champ, so come on let's be fast friends, fast friends. So glad I met you. Fast friends. Fast friends. We won't forget you. Fast friends. Fast friends. Oh, yeah, you betcha. Oh, yeah! Fast friends! Fast friends. Fast friends. So glad I met you. Fast friends, fast friends, I won't forget you. Fast friends, fast friends, oh, yeah, you betcha. Oh, yeah! Fast friends! Phew! Now, let's go eat. [LAUGHS] Yeah!