One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish: A Dr. Seuss Count-Along! Page

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Count along and move to the beat with Dr. Seuss!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Let's make the day count. Are you ready to count all the fish you see? Let's go in 1, 2. (SINGING) One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish (TALKING) Yeah, that's right. (SINGING) Black fish Blue fish (TALKING) Good job. (SINGING) Old fish New fish. (TALKING) Move to the beat (SINGING) Some are red Some are blue Some are old Some are new Some are sad Some are glad Some are very, very bad From there to here From here to there Funny things are everywhere Some have two feet And some have four Some have six And some have more. One fish. (TALKING) That's right. (SINGING) Two fish (TALKING) Good job. (SINGING) Red fish Blue fish Black fish (TALKING) Count the fish. (SINGING) Blue fish Old fish (TALKING) How many do you see? (SINGING) New fish (TALKING) Good job. (SINGING) See them come See them go Some are fast Some are slow Let's count his fingers 1, 2, 3 How many fingers do you see? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 He has 11 11 fingers, something new I wish I had 11 too Let's go One fish Two fish (TALKING) Way to go! (SINGING) Red fish Blue fish (TALKING) Count those fish. (SINGING) Black fish (TALKING) There's one. (SINGING) Blue fish Old fish (TALKING) There's two. (SINGING) New fish From near to far From here to there Funny things are everywhere Today is gone Today was fun Tomorrow is another one Every day from here to there Funny things are everywhere (TALKING) Good job. You really made today count. See you tomorrow. Let's go. (SINGING) One fish (TALKING) Freestyle. (SINGING) Two fish Red fish (TALKING) Keep it up. (SINGING) Blue fish Black fish Blue fish (TALKING) Show us your movees. (SINGING) Old fish New fish (TALKING) Way to go.