SuperNoodle Connection: Attention HERE! Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
SuperNoodle Connection: Attention HERE!
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Join Paz and Flash as they help you settle in and focus your attention on the world around you.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello and welcome my Super Noodle friends. I'm so grateful to have you here. Join me today. We're going to have fun, laughing, learning, exploring, and learning our imaginations wander together. Super Noodle makes learning about ourselves and each other a really cool adventure. We'll get to look for clues, listen to exciting stories, and try new things so we can be our very best selves. Join the adventure with your friends, relate better to each other, handle tough situations, and get to know your amazing tools, like your thoughts and emotions. Check it out. You're about to enter the Champiverse through the Fitness Forest to begin your Super Noodle journey. I'm super excited to introduce you to your friends, the Champs. They'll guide us through our Super Noodle travels. Each champ is a hero with their own superpowers. They'll lead us on journeys through magical lands. How exciting! Now, let's check in with our hero champ to see where this adventure takes us. Today, we're going to be hanging out with Flash Bolton on Lightning Lake to explore connection. Thanks for the sweet introduction, Paws. Hey, friends, Flash Bolton here, coming to you from my totally awesome garage and racetrack here on Lightning Lake. This is where I practice all my wheelies, dealies, and feelies. Thanks for stopping by to hang with me and my pit crew of squirrels. The squirrel crew keeps me rolling. They run on nuts. I roll on lightning bugs. [CHUCKLES] And the lightning bugs give me the totally radical energy I need to keep on moving. Lightning bugs make me fast, but never furious. [CHIPMUNKS LAUGHING] So let's get on track. I'm here today to make new friends and to learn more about connection. No, not quite like a Wi-Fi connection. Although, you do need that too, am I right? But we're here to learn about connecting to this moment, to ourselves, and to others. We all need connection. We can learn it and practice it together. Let's connect. First, we're going to focus. And then, we are going to chat or relate. And then, we'll move around and practice with your class. Focusing or paying attention can be hard. Like, when I'm trying to concentrate on getting my wheels oiled so I can race around the track faster, but my squirrels are busy playing a game of Acorn baseball. And then, I get invested and wrapped up in the game. And bases are loaded, and it's the bottom of the ninth inning. And, oh, man, oh, they're tensing up the side of the garage with foul balls. And, wait! Where was I? Oh, yeah, [CHUCKLES] talking about focusing. See, it's even hard for me. But we can figure it out together. OK, let's pay attention and focus on what is going on right now. [BIRDS CHIRPING] Fun fact alert, puh, puh, puh, puh pow. Our brains and bodies are always here. So when we're paying attention, let's say to our teacher, we can learn not only through our brains, but also through our senses. We can connect to our own experience. Now, let's focus, move, relate to each other and practice together. [ZAPPING SOUNDS] Wow, that was electric! We're going to keep this car moving and take some time to learn even more about connection with our teacher and friends. First, let's move! Wheels up in 3, 2, 1, go!