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Digging For Water
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earn a point for your champ!
Train to be a champ with Coach Terry and the GoNoodle Champs.
Ultimate Champ Training, training. Howdy, y'all. I'm coach Terry. And you can call me coach Terry. Don't dig for water under the outhouse. Let's do this. Champs are healthy. They love a good smoothie for a snack. So let's make one. Y'all twist your body like a blender to the left and to the right. Move it slow as you mix up the low fat yogurt and skim milk. Now make it go faster so you can crush up the blueberries, strawberries, and bananas. Twist and crush. Go a little faster to make it all frothy and delicious. Yes, siree. You got some smooth move, champ. Now drink up. Can you dig it? Yes, you can. Y'all get down and dirty and dig. Put your hands on the shovel and dig. You dig? Digging the dirt. Throw the dirt. Digging the dirt. Throw the dirt. Dig down deep, even deeper. Dig faster, and faster, and faster. Dig like you've never dug before. Why? I have absolutely no idea, but Chance just love to dig. You dig? So dig it. Champ stand out in the crowd. Jump your legs out and raise your arms up high. Then jump your legs together and bring your hands down. It's like a jumping jack. Y'all do jumping jacks and make your body say look at me, people. Yes, siree. Faster jumping jacks, even faster jumping jacks. If y'all were in a crowd of one bajillion people, I'd see you, only you. Unless bajillion of them were doing jumping jacks, and then I'd be a bit confused. Hot dog. Let's catch a breath. Breathe in and breathe out. Yeehaw. Champs have guts. Y'all put your hands on your gut and roll your hips around in a circle. Roll one way. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Spill your guts. Roll it the other way. Rolling, rolling, rolling. Sweet. Now fast. Bust a gut. Roll, roll, roll, roll. Yes, siree. You sure are gutsy. Now slow your roll. Roll, roll, Roll. You know what? My gut tells me you're a true champ. Even when champs lose, they win. Let's do the champ victory dance. Y'all shake your hips, wiggle them back and forth. Shake. Raise your arms in the air and shake them too. Shake, shake, shake. Now shake your head. Yes, siree. Kick one leg. Turn around. Touch the ground and jump in the air like you just don't care. Big crazy finish. Hot diggity. Y'all are victorious. That was awesome. Give yourself a self five. Yeehaw.