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Get Energized
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Energize your body and mind with this empowering video.
[MUSIC PLAYING] It's hard to listen, learn, and pay attention when your body and mind are tired. Come into Mountain Pose, feet about hip-width apart, shoulders relaxed, palms facing forward, and body tall. Starting at your feet, scan your body to see how it's feeling. How are your feet and legs feeling, your belly, your back and your chest, your shoulders, and your arms? How about your neck, head, and face? Now it's time to wake up your whole body. Move your feet first. So wiggling your toes and your shoes, rock forward and backwards. And then from side to side, waking up the bottoms of your feet. Next, move your ankles. So picking up one foot, finding balance, and making some small circles, going in one direction and then the other. Now let's switch to the other side. So picking it up, moving one direction, and then going in the other. Let your knees get into the movement. You can hold your balance and swing your lower leg. And let's do the other side. And now we can lift one knee and then the other. So lifting that knee up high. And then bring both feet onto the ground, and let's do some deep knee bends. Now move your hips. Make big circles with one leg at a time. And now let's do the other side. And now you can move your hips forward, moving your hips back, and then moving your hips from side to side. And then let your torso get into the action as well. So moving the hips back, the torso forward. And then let your shoulders and arms move now. Roll your shoulders. And then make some big circles with your arms, careful not to hit your neighbors. Then let's circle the other direction. And then shake out your arms all the way down to your fingers. Bring your head side to side to wake up your neck muscles. And now circle it forward to the side, and then circle back around again. Finally, move the muscles in your face, your jaw, tongue, your cheeks, and even your eyes. [LAUGHS] So move any other part of your body that needs to move right now. And then let's meet back in Mountain Pose. So one more time, scan your body starting at your feet and moving up towards your head. Is your body feeling any different now than it was when we were standing like this before? Anytime your body is feeling tired or you've got the blahs, move each part of your body around to wake it up. [MUSIC PLAYING]