Indoor Recess: Get Yo Body Running Like The Uber Kitty Page

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Indoor Recess: Get Yo Body Running Like The Uber Kitty
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Move along to this awesome 12-minute mega mix of your favorite GoNoodle videos.
Indoor recess one. Get your body running like the uber kitty. Howdy, y'all. I'm Coach Terry. You can call me Coach Terry. And you can call this indoor recess. Yes sirree. I got a mash up of a whole bunch of GoNoodle videos and games. Y'all stand up and move along to get those ants out of your pants. Let's get started with a warmup. Yeehaw! Champs have good hygiene. Staying with your legs in a stretch, bend over and touch one hand to your opposite foot. Stand up. Touch your other hand to your opposite foot. Stand up. Hands opposite foot and stand. Other hand to other foot and stand. Keep it up. Every time you're down by your tootsies, think about if you've clipped your toenails recently. Smell for stinky foot odor. Look for some toe cheese. If any of these apply, make sure you take a bath for shower tonight. Hygiene champs, hygiene. Hi, Coach Terry. Oh, hi Gene. Hollabaloo! Hey kids! Button up your blazers, cause Blazer Fresh is gonna make you sweat. GoNoodle! Let's see who's greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Yeah! Less than. Less than. Less than. That's less like. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to! Boom back, Boom, Back Hollabaloo! Let's get moving. The greater than sign is over to the left. To the left. The bigger number is on the left. On the left. Everybody turn to your left. Holla! The greater than sign is blazer fresh. Fresh. The less than sign is over to the right. The bigger number is on the right. On the right. Everybody turn to your right. To the right. The less than side is looking super tight. Word. The equal to sign is two straight lines. Two lines. Put your arms into two straight lines. Nerds. Get serpentine with two straight lines. Lines. Equal numbers on either side. Side. Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Less than. Less than. Less than. Less than. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to. Boom, back. Boom, back. Hollabaloo! 55 is what than 36? Greater than. Greater man. 14 is what than 32? Less than. Less than. 21 is what to 21? Equal to. Equal to. You got these signs down, yeah. You know how we do. Woo! 64 is what than 13? Greater than. Greater than. 84 is what than 85? Less than. Less than. 99 is what to 99? Equal to. Equal to. You got these signs down, so let's see what you can do. You know what I mean. I say greater, you say than. Greater-- Than. Greater-- Than. I say less, you say than. Less-- Than. Less-- Than. I say equal, you say to. Equal-- To. Equal-- To. Boom, back. Boom, back. Hollabaloo! Woo! Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Less than. Less than. Less than. Less than. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to. That's equal, equal. Boom, back. Boom, back. Hollabaloo! Holla! Greater than. Greater than. Greater than. Greater. Less than. Less than. Less than. Less. Equal to. Equal to. Equal to. Yeah! Boom, back. Boom, back. Hollabaloo! Uh, that was quite a workout. We're going to pick up the pace now for the workout. Get ready to get sweaty. Yes sirree. Everybody run like the kitty! Run like the kitty kitty! Run like the kitty kitty! Run like the kitty kitty! Run. Run. Run. Run. Wait is that a kitty kitty? Kind of looks like a raccoon. Maybe it's a beaver. I don't know my animals. Run like the raccoon kitty! Run like the beaver kitty! Run like the brown thing on the screen! Run. Run. Run. Run. Where's he running anyway? Maybe to the wizard Steve to ask to be a unicorn. Nah, he likes being a thingamajiggie. Run like the happy kitty beaver raccoon is like something. Run like whatever he is. Just run. Run. Run. Run. Run. Run to the wizard Steve. Ask him for some Swiss cheese. Make sure that you say please just like the running kitty. Run like the kitty kitty! Run like the kitty kitty! Run like the kitty kitty! Run. Run. Run. Run. Run like the kitty kitty. This song is over now. Sorry that it didn't rhyme. I just needed to finish the verse! What's cooking, good looking? Use your hands to quickly chop up a snack. Do fast little chop for the tomatoes. Now let me see some fast big chops for the sour apples. Go nuts as you chop up nuts. Chop to the side. Chop to the top. Chop to the bottom. Chop like you just can't stop. Chop. Chop. Chop. Chop. Chop. Now drop! Literally, drop down on the floor. Nice! Fabio's meatball run. It's me. Moose Fabio! I'm on my way to visit my grandmoose Philomena, to bring her some juicy meatballs. Grandmoose love the meatballs, just like me. Let's go. We got to run so the meatballs don't get cold. Duck! Mmm hmm. Should have opened my mouth. Jump! Whoa! Almost dropped my meatballs. Dodge left! That's where the banana peel belongs. Jump! La cucaracha. I almost crushed ya. Jump! Anyone gnome who that was? Dodge right! Ciao Catarina! Duck! Ah! Watch the antlers. Jump! Ooh. That would go great with my meatballs. Dodge right! Now there's something you don't see every day. Duck! Last I checked, pineapples don't fly. Duck! Whoa! But drones do. Hehe. Jump! Mamma mia! It's a long way down. Kick! Goal! Jump! Who lost their foot? Dodge left! Better question. Who lost their piano? Jump! ABC gum. Ugh. That's so disgusting. Dodge right! Big buffers then. I love a big scooter. Jump! Parkas too. Whip. Whip. Whip, Whip. Dodge left! That would be a lot easier in the water. Duck! The planes. The planes! Dodge left! Excuse me, chimpanzee. Duck! Now that's a flying ball! Jump! Oh, nice to see you Shirley. Kick! Now you see it, now you don't. Dodge right! A duck riding a bear? That's weird. Dodge left! A frog riding an ostrich? Totally normal. Jump! Did anyone catch the license plate on that thing? Duck! Who would throw away perfectly good meatballs? Jump! That pig knows how to party. Haha. Jump! Fried ham? Where's the cheese and baloney? Dodge right! That's one funny bunny. Hahaha. Jump! I was almost in a pickle. Well, on the pickle. Dodge right! Hey, you've got mail. Duck! Missed me, frisbee! Kick! Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Dodge left! I'm so talented with cats. Ciao, grandmoose Philomena. I brought you your favorite. Meatballs! Grazie, Fabio. Such a good boy. Now I can have a meatball hero sandwich. You remembered the bread, didn't you? Well, I umm, uh-- I'll be right back. Fabio! Get me some mozzarella too! Ay, ay, ay. Classic Fabio. You know you love stairs! Woohoo! Oh, let your eyeballs wiggle as you walk up the stairs. Let your eyebrows jiggle as you walk up the stairs. When you walk up the stairs. And you walk up the stairs. And you walk up, and you walk up, and you walk up the stairs! Move your leggy leg leggers when you walk up the stairs. I think Bob likes spaghetti, cause he's walking up the stairs. He's missing some teeth. Did the tooth fairy come while Bob was walking, walking, walking up the stairs? With your arms swooshy swooshy when you walk up the stairs. What did you have for breakfast? Did you have some pears? Bob's feet are all sweaty from walking up the stairs! I wonder if his grandma Betty sits in a rocking chair. Hey! I just know this Bob doesn't have ears. But who needs ears when you have so many stairs? Just walk up the stairs. Yeah, walk up the stairs! Keep walking, walking, walking, walking, walking up the stairs. Let your eyeballs wiggle when you walk up the stairs. Let your eyebrows jiggle as you walk up the stairs. Let your arms pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy, pumpy when you walk up the stairs. Yeah! Nice work, y'all. Let's cool it on down. Cool it. Cool it. Beaver call. [BEAT BOXING] Beaver one! Beaver all! Let's all do the beaver call! Beaver two! Beaver three! Let's all climb the beaver tree! Beaver four! Beaver five! Let's all do the beaver dive! Beaver six! Beaver seven! Let's all fly like beaver Kevin! Beaver eight! Beaver nine! Stop! It's beaver time. Go beaver! Go beaver! Go, go, go, beaver! Bust a move now! Make it groove now! Yeah! You got the fever! You're so busy, make me dizzy! Whoa, it's on the go now. Eating roots! Eating twigs! Let me see you jig! Bring it back one time. Rewind. Beaver one! Beaver all! Let's all do the beaver call! Beaver two! Beaver three! Let's all climb the beaver tree! Beaver four! Beaver five! Let's all do the beaver dive! Beaver six! Beaver seven! Let's all fly like beaver Kevin! Beaver eight! Beaver nine! Stop! It's beaver time! Go beaver! Go beaver! Go, go, go Beaver! Bust a move now! Make it groove now! Yeah! You got the fever! You're so busy, make me dizzy! Whoa! It's on the go now! Eating roots! Eating twigs! Let me see you jig! Look at me! I'm a beaver! Hot diggity! You did it! Nice work, y'all. Ciao for now.