Release Your Warrior Page
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Release Your Warrior
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Stretch and learn how to release the warrior in you with this empowering video.
[MUSIC PLAYING] A warrior has tremendous strength. Qualities such as determination, balance, compassion, courage, and focus help a warrior to know how to use their strength for good in any given situation. You are a warrior. Make sure you have a little bit of space behind you. Stand in mountain tall with your feet about hip-width apart and your palms facing forward. Lift your right knee up, and find your balance. And then step that leg back, lower your heel down, and make sure your front knee is bent. Lift your arms overhead, and notice the parts of your body that are working hard. This is Warrior 1. Let the strength in your body come out through your voice and say, "I am strong." Open your arms as you turn your body to the side for Warrior 2. Keep your gaze strong out over your left arm. Say, "I have courage." Now turn your body forward. Reach your arms back behind you, and lift your back leg up as you straighten your front leg. This is Warrior 3. Stare at one spot that isn't moving in order to help you balance. And then find a calm, steady voice and say, "I" am focused. Pull your knee back into your chest, as you stand up. And then gently lower it down and come back into Mountain Pose. As you practice these Warrior poses on the other side, let's explore some of the other qualities of a Warrior. Lift your left knee and find your balance. Step back into Warrior 1. "I am determined." Open your arms into Warrior 2. Reach forward and back with equal strength. "I am balanced." Make your way to Warrior 3. Steady your body by focusing your gaze on one steady point. "I am compassionate." If you're finding it challenging to balance in Warrior 3, see if you can be compassionate towards yourself and your body as you hold this pose. Pull your knee in, and then come back to Mountain Pose. Close your eyes, and breathe in and out through your nose. You can tap into the warrior strength inside you at any time. If you're in a situation where you need to feel strong, but coming into a Warrior pose right at that moment won't work, see if you can remember the feeling of the strength that you just accessed in your legs, your arms, your heart and your mind. You are a warrior. [MUSIC PLAYING]