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Live In The Moment
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Learn to live in the present not the past or the future with this gentle exercise for your body and brain.
[MUSIC PLAYING] Sometimes thoughts of the past and thoughts of the future swirl around in your mind, distracting you from what's happening in the here and now. Bringing your attention down into your body is a tool that can help you be in the present. Stand in Mountain Pose with your feet separated just a bit, your body tall, and the palms of your hands facing forward. Can you feel your feet on the ground? Take three breaths through your nose. And as you breathe, pay attention to the feeling of your feet connecting with the floor. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale as you reach your arms up overhead, and bend your knees, like you're sitting down on an invisible chair. So glance down, and make sure you can see your toes. If not, sit back a little bit further into your seat. What parts of your body can you feel working? Your legs? Your? Feet? Inhale. Exhale. Keep your hips low, and reach your arms and torso a bit taller. Two more breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. And exhale. When you bring your attention to the sensations in your body, you can bring your mind into the present. Stand in Mountain again, and check in with your body. Is it feeling wiggly or steady, energized or calm, tense or comfortable? Separate your feet a little wider, and point your toes out to the sides. Reach your arms forward, and slowly lower down into a Squat. You can touch your fingertips to the ground, or you can make two fists and press your hands together with your elbows on the inside of your knees. Either way, lift your shoulders and your chest up tall. So let's take three breaths here. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Inhale. And exhale. Place one hand down on the ground with your arm against the inside of your knee. Lift your other arm up, and look up towards that hand. Taking a breath in, and breathing out. Breathing in and breathing out, coming back to the middle. And then switch sides. So push your other hand down into the ground, and lift your opposite arm up, looking up towards your hands a bit. So breathing in and breathing out, feeling the arms pushing out in opposite directions. Coming back to the center. Take a full breath and then placing your hands down for balance. Lift your hips so that you're in a Forward Fold. When you're ready to inhale, roll up and come back to Mountain Pose. Close your eyes for just a moment, and feel your feet on the ground. Imagine yourself getting a little heavier. Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Breathe in and out through your nose. And you allow yourself to be steady. Any time you're feeling overwhelmed by thoughts of what happened in the past or what might happen in the future, try bringing your attention to your body, the feeling of your feet on the floor, or your legs and hips sitting in your chair. And ground yourself in the present. Remember the feeling in your body right now. [MUSIC PLAYING]