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The Edge
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Take it to the edge with this uplifting workout that strengthens your legs.
[GUITAR PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, guys. Aaron here. This uplifting workout is all about your legs with a little upper body thrown in. Let's get moving. All right. These are hot feet guys. Stay on the balls of your feet. Stay on the balls of your feet. You got to be quick. No pain, no gain. All right. We're doing four corner box jumps. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. [MUSIC PLAYING] All right. Here we go. Robot jacks. Bicep, stretch them out. Come on. Stretch those biceps. Side. Side, middle. Side, middle. Side, middle. Side, middle. Side, middle. Stretch those-- All right. Happy. Stay on the balls of your feet. Come on. You got to be quick. Don't give up. You got this. You can do it. All right. Here we go. Four corner box jump. Side, back. Side, front. Side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Front. You can do it. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Front, side. Back, side. Come on. All right. Here we go. Robot jacks. Watch your biceps. Don't forget to breathe. Middle, side. Middle, side. Middle, side. Middle. Stretch your biceps. Come on. You got it. You got it. I'm impressed. Side, middle-- Back to those hot feet. Hot feet. Stay on your toes. Stay on the feet. Come on. Almost there. We're coming to the end. You're going to do it. I know you are. Great stuff. Let's cool down with some deep breathing. Breathe in and out. And in and out. Nice. Have an awesome day. Freshstart out. [GUITAR PLAYING]