HOW TO Make a Balloon Dog Page

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HOW TO Make a Balloon Dog
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Learn HOW TO make a balloon dog with Om Petalhead and Megan
How To! [UPBEAT MUSIC] How to make a balloon dog. You'll need a long balloon and a deep breath-- or a balloon pump. Breathe to achieve. Step one. Blow up the balloon until you have a 3-inch tail at the end. Then, tie the other end in a knot. Sometimes, it's a little tough to tie the knot. Step two. Wrap your hand around the side you just tied and twist so you have about a 3-inch bubble. Step three. Move your hand down and twist again so you have two 3-inch bubbles in a row. Step four. Do the same thing one more time. So you have three 3-inch bubbles in a row. Twist, twist, twist. Step five. Bring the second two bubbles together and twist them to hold them in place. Check it out. Your dog has a head. I wonder if this dog can do downward dog. Step six. Hold the balloon dog at its neck-- be gentle-- and twist three more 3-inch bubbles. One, twist. Two, twist, twist. Three, twist, twist, twist. Step seven. Bring the first two bubbles together like this. Pinch and twist, twist. Voila. Front legs. [DOG BARKS] Step eight. Pinch and twist three more times to make three more. Three inch bubbles. One bubble, twist, twist. Another bubble, twist, twist, twist. The third bubble, twist, twist, twist. Step nine. Bring the last two bubbles together, pinch, and twist, twist, twist. Voila. [DOG BARKS] Back legs. And bam. You just made a balloon dog. No way. How cute is that balloon dog? [CLEARS THROAT] I mean, balloon dogs are so zen. Give your balloon dog a doggy high-five. [UPBEAT BEAT MUSIC] Doggy high-fives Duh, duh, doggy high-fives Doggy high-fives Give a doggy high-five The dog got married Give your back a high-five The dog had a ginormous tongue Give the floor high-five The dog stared at donuts Give your face a high-five The dog's head was poofy Give the wall high-five Oh! Doggy high-fives Give a doggy high-five [GUFFAWS] Who's a good doggy? [DOG BARKS]