High 5, Champ: Strength Level 2 Page

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It's time to work on our leg strength with some awesome seated leg lifts in this Strength level 2 exercise with McPufferson, brought to you by Special Olympics.
High 5 Champ. Strength level 2. Welcome back athletes, McPufferson here again. It's time for more totally-awesome strength training with our athlete friends from Special Olympics. Before we get our muscles pumping, remember that healthy bodies eat drink and move. That means eating from all five food groups every day, especially fruits and vegetables. Drinking at least one bottle of water every day. And moving for 60 minutes or more every day, too. Now, are you ready? (TOGETHER) Let's go. Did you know are over 600 muscles in your body? Pretty awesome, huh? This time we're kicking it up a notch with seated leg lifts. First, make sure you are sitting on the ground with one leg out in front of you and the other hugged to your chest tight. Now, slowly raise the leg in front of you as high as you can, without your bum leaving the ground. We're going to do this one for 15 seconds on each side. You ready? Let's go. Yeah, that's the way. I know it's tough, but you can do it. Remember to breathe as you raise and lower your leg [MUSIC PLAYING] You're almost there. Great work, team. Now, let's switch legs and go. Keep it up. You're doing great. Raise, lower, raise, that's it. You got it. Almost done. And 3, 2, 1. Well done. [CHEERS] You did it. You crushed level 2. And now it's time for level 3. Oh, we're definitely feeling the burn now. See you next time and remember to eat, Drink, And move. (TOGETHER) High 5 champ. [MUSIC PLAYING]