BEST DAY EVER with McPufferson Page

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BEST DAY EVER with McPufferson
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Start your Best Day Ever off right by planting some seeds of positive energy with McPufferson. You can do anything!
Best day ever with McPufferson! Good morning, class. It's me, McPufferson. Are you ready to have the best day ever? Then, repeat after me. I am strong! I am smart! I am brave! I belong! I can do anything. [MUSIC PLAYING] Hey, that was pretty cool. Did you know the more good words you say out loud and in your head, the more good energy you spread to your friends and grown-ups? Pretty awesome. And you can do it as much as you want. Let's try it one more time. I love myself! I love my friends! I love my class! I love my teachers! Together we are one. We can do anything. Yoohoo! That's what I call some good energy, GoNoodlers. Way to go! [MUSIC PLAYING]