Chin Up Page

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Chin Up
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Learn to look up in order to feel up with this empowering mindfulness exercise!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Sometimes we can feel down. It happens to everybody. This exercise will show you how to look up in order to feel up. Close your eyes or keep them open during this exercise. It's up to you. Try to sit tall, maybe even a little bit taller. Stretch your arms up. Reach your hands toward the ceiling. Let yourself yawn if you'd like. Breathe in and slowly breathe out. Lower your arms and rest your hands on your knees or on your legs. Notice if you're still sitting tall. Adjust if you need to. Let your chin lower. Look down toward the ground. Now, raise your chin up. Chin up. Gently lower your chin again, and then slowly raise it up. Do a few more on your own, raising and lowering, as if you're nodding your head slowly. Now, with your head in the center, breathe in and breathe out. Try turning your head to the right, just your head turns. See if your shoulders can stay still. You don't have to turn very much, just enough to feel comfortable. Return to look forward again. Notice how it might feel different as you turn to the left. Shoulders should be facing front. Now, turn your head to the right and then to the left at your own speed. Your shoulders might try to creep up. Try to keep them down. Do another turn to the right. Come back to center, one more time to the left, and, again, to center. Breathe in. Breathe out. Let's try to tilt to one side, so your ear drops toward your shoulder. Let's go to the right. And let's bring our head up to the center and down, tilting to the left, bring it up again and now down to the right. Your head comes up one more time and, again, down to the left. Notice how it feels. Now, bring your head up to the center. Do a few more on your own. When you're ready to stop, face forward with your chin up just a little bit and close your eyes. Or keep them open. Let your body be still. Notice what it's like to have your chin up, your shoulders down, and your body still. Chin up. Chin up. Chin up.