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HOW TO Make a Time Capsule
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Learn HOW TO make a time capsule with Freckles Sinclair and Devyn
How to! How to make a time capsule. You'll need a shoe box or a large plastic container with a lid, a piece of loose leaf paper, pics of you, your friends, your family, your pets. The front page of today's newspaper, movie ticket stubs. Letters and cards from your friends and family. Other special mementos. Stickers to decorate it. A place to store it and a date in the future to open it. I'm going to fill mine with socks. Step one, use the paper to write down all your favorite things, fave food, fave color, fave song, fave show, your BFF. And write some hopes for the future, like your goals, what you want to be, where you want to live. Favorite thing? Socks. Favorite sport? Soccer. Favorite saying? Sock it to me. Step two, put everything, your list, your pics, your ticket stubs, your letters, your mementos and your newspaper page into the shoe box or plastic container. My certificate. My first point shoe. I'm putting this in. I'm putting this in. I'm putting this in. My besties. I'm putting this in. I'm putting this in, my letters, my list, my newspaper page. And put on the lid. Good idea. That'll keep my stinky socks from smelling up everything else. Step three, put the date you want to open it on the outside of the container. Step four, use your stickers to decorate your container. A sticker here. A sticker there. A sticker here. A sticker there. It looks good. Step five, sit back and wait for that date to arrive so you can open your time capsule and look back on your awesome life. On second thought, it's going to be a while. Go live your life. Well, I can't wait. I need to open it now and get my socks. Oh, socks. I love socks. Need something to do while you're waiting for time to pass? Do this. Everybody run like the kitty. (SINGING) Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run like the kitty, kitty Run, run, run, run Wait, is that kitty, kitty? Kind of looks like a raccoon Maybe it's a beaver I don't know my animals Run like a raccoon kitty Run like the beaver kitty Run like the brown thing on the screen Run, run, run, run Where's he running anyway? Maybe to the wizard Steve to ask to be a unicorn Nah, he likes being a thing-a-ma-jiggy Run like the happy kitty beaver raccoony something Run like whatever he is Just run, run, run, run