Unicorn Noodles: ATK Kids Edition Page

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Sing, dance, cook, and LEARN about the magic of anthocyanins in this tasty, “Unicorn Noodles” 2.0!
[AUDIO LOGO] [MUSIC PLAYING] Houston, we have a problem. Houston's on break. This is Frank. What's your problem? I can't remember how to make my favorite food-- unicorn noodles. I can't cook, I'm too busy dancing. That's OK, Sylvia. I got you. [CHEERING] Let's go over the ingredients first. This is part recipe and part science experiment. Wow, let's do it. First, you're going to need cabbage. Cabbage, water, noodles, lemon juice, baking soda, unicorn noodles. (SINGING) Unicorn-- Unicorn noodles-- (SINGING) --noodles. ATK kids edition. [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh yeah, I think I remember now. First, we boil the cabbage until the water turns purple. [MUSIC PLAYING] Look, it's boiling and super purple too. That's right. Red cabbage gets its color from special molecules called anthocyanins. Then we add the noodles and the baking soda and let that soak for about 15 minutes. And now we wait. So what's your sign? I'm a Gemini. It's my birthday coming up. Happy early birthday. I'm thinking unicorn theme. I would love it. Invite me. You're coming. [TIMER DINGS] Oh look, the noodles are like-- Blue. --really cool blue. And next, you drain the noodles, right? And toss them in lemon juice. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, quince, diecisis, diecisiete, dieciocho, diecinueve, veinte, veintiuno, [COUNTING FAST IN SPANISH] [LAUGHTER] Treinta. Whoa. When anthocyanins meet basic ingredients, such as baking soda, they become blue. When they meet acidic ingredients such as lemon juice or lime, they become pink. Pretty cool, huh? That's so cool. Anthocyanins. Oh, I'm starving. And so is Frank. Who's Frank? My pet unicorn. It's me, Frank the Unicorn. You know me, I'm Frank the Unicorn. Oh sorry, Frank. I didn't catch your name before. Nah, that's OK. Go get your noodle on. Let's eat. Come on. Yes. Yum. All right, let's dig in. Cheers. Cheers. Frank, come in. This is so good. These are delicious. Wait a minute, these aren't made from real unicorns, are they? [AUDIO LOGO] Girls? Girls?