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Pump It Up
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Pump up your body ... and your jam with this intense and awesome workout.
[GUITAR PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] What's up, everyone? This workout is going to strengthen your quads and your calves. Let's get pumping. Tight arm circles, guys. This is a shoulder exercise. Stress those shoulders. All right. We're going to do heel taps. Here we go. Opposite arm, opposite leg. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Opposite arm, the opposite leg. Stretch it out. Frog squat. Squat down like you're sitting in the chair. Palms to the floor. Palms to the floor. All right. Skaters. And travoltas Back to the heel taps. Opposite arm, opposite leg. Stretch it out. Stretch it out. Frog squats. Palm to the floor. Palm to the floor. Sit down like you're in the chair. Stretch it out. And back to skaters. Come on, move. Move, move, move, move. You're rocking this. Stop, stop, stop. Come on. Travoltas. Hey. Come on. Here we go. All right. We're going back to those heel taps. This low. Opposite hand, opposite leg. Get low. Down, up. Down, up. Get low. Opposite hand, opposite leg. Stretch it out. Frog squat. Palms to the floor. Sit down like you're sitting in a chair. Palms to the floor. All right, guys. We're going to get some tight arm circles again. Stretch out the shoulders. This is a shoulder exercise. Stretch it out. All right, we're going to jump with it. Just a little jump. Little jump. Working out your legs and your shoulders right now. We're getting ready to get back into those heel taps. Come on. You got this. Let's go. Opposite hand, opposite leg. Get down. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Down, up. Opposite hand, opposite leg. Come on. And frog squats. Here we go. Palms to the floor. Sit low like you're in a chair. Stretch it out. Stretch your quad here. Yes. Nice work. Let's take a moment to cool down. Breathe in and out. Again, breathe in and out. Nice. Have an awesome day. Freshstart out. [GUITAR PLAYING]