Fabio's Meatball Run Page
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Fabio's Meatball Run
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Jump, duck, and dodge around obstacles to help Moose Fabio deliver delicious, juicy meatballs to his GrandMoose Filomena.
Fabio's Meatball Run. It's me, [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Fabio. I'm on my way to visit my Grandmoose Filomena to bring her some juicy meatballs. Grandmoose love the meatballs just like me. Let's go. We got to run, so the meatballs don't get cold. [MUSIC PLAYING] Duck! Mm, should have opened my mouth. Jump! Whoa, almost dropped my meatballs. Dodge left! That's where the banana peel belongs. Jump! La cucaracha. I almost crushed. Jump! Anyone know who that was? Dodge right! Ciao, Katerina. Duck. Watch the antlers. Jump! Ooh, that would go great with my meatballs. Dodge right! Now, there's something you don't see every day. Duck! Last I checked, pineapples don't fly. Duck! Whoa, but the drones do. Jump! Mamma mia. It's a long way down. Kick! Goal! Jump! Who lost their boot? Dodge left! Better question, who lost their piano? Jump! ABC gum. Bleegh, that's a disgusting. Dodge right! McPufferson, I love your mcscooter. Jump! [NON-ENGLISH SPEECH] Whip, whip. Whip, whip. Dodge left! That would be a lot easier in the water. Duck! The planes! The planes! Dodge left! Excuse me, chimpanzee. Duck! Now, that's a fly ball. Jump! Oh, nice to see you, Shelly. Kick! Now you see it. Now you don't. Dodge right! A duck riding a bear? That's a weird. Dodge left! A frog riding an ostrich? Totally normal. Jump! Did anyone catch the license plate on that thing? Duck! Who would throw away perfectly good meat balls? Jump! That pig knows how to party. Jump! Fried ham? Where's the cheese and bologna? Dodge right! That's one funny bunny. Jump. I was almost in a pickle. Well, on the pickle. Dodge right! Hey, you've got the mail. Duck! Missed me, frisbee. Kick! [INAUDIBLE] Dodge left! Sure are some talented cats. Ciao, Grandmoose Filomena. I brought to you your favorite, meatballs. Gracie, Fabio. Such a good boy. Now, can I have a meatball hero sandwich? You remembered the bread, didn't you? Well, I-- I'll be right back. Fabio! Get me some mozzarella, too. Aye, yai, yai, classic Fabio. [MUSIC PLAYING]