Indoor Recess: Happy Holidays Page

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Indoor Recess: Happy Holidays
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It's the most wonderful time of the year - INDOOR RECESS TIME! Dance along to your favorite holiday songs!
Indoor Recess Happy Holidays. I'm Coach Terry. You can call me Coach Terry. You can call this Indoor Recess. (SINGING) It's the most wonderful time of the year. Holiday time. It's also exercise time. So you can work off all those potato pancakes, fruitcakes you've been eating. Let's do this. [MUSIC PLAYING] I've got the feeling that today is a special day, and we need to celebrate. (SINGING) Now it's time to celebrate, to celebrate. Now it's time to celebrate, to celebrate. You got to turn it up. (RAPPING) Yo, that's so great. Let's not wait, let's celebrate. Undulate, move your vertebrate, party activate, be a good time advocate. Party, move your body as we celebrate. And animate, congregate, culminate, demonstrate, dance on down to the Bering Strait. But there's one thing left to extrapolate. So come on, party people, let me hear you say, come on. What are we celebrating? Shout it out loud! What are we celebrating? Now it's time to celebrate, to celebrate. Now it's time to celebrate, to celebrate. Don't be meditate or procrastinate, let's appreciate, let's celebrate. Undulate, move your vertebrate. Move it. Strut the runway like a fashion plate. Let's see, navigate, percolate, propagate, save the date. Syncopate, tabulate, tolerate, celebrate, educate, elevate, instigate, motivate. Today's the day we celebrate, it feels so great to ask y'all. What are we celebrating? Shout it out loud! What are we celebrating? Hey, go clap, come on. Go clap, come on. Go clap, party time. Turn it up, Party time Go clap. party time. Go clap, get loose. Go clap, get loose. Come on. Oh, yeah. You are celebrating with Blazer Fresh. Get up out ya seat and dance with us. Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. What are we celebrating? Shout it loud out. What are we celebrating? What are we celebrating? Shout it out loud! What are we celebrating? Ow! There's so much to celebrate, can't stop me baby. A celebration. You know, around this time of year, I like to do a little thing called the Holiday Dance. Tell you what, snow boys and snow girls, why don't you do that dance with me. (SINGING) The holidays are happy, the holidays bring cheers, your grand grand-pappy and your pet reindeer. And wave up your arms in the air like a cow-- wait! Cows can't wave their arms! Aw, shucks. Well, just do it anyway. For the holiday dance, holiday dance, clap your hands and do the holiday dance. From Paris, Texas to Paris, France, put on your pants and do the holiday dance. The holidays have wonder, the holidays bring joy and they can be dairy free if you drink soy. So bake a bunch of cookies and give someone a hug while you cluck like a chicken, cut up the rug. Doing the holiday dance, the holiday dance, clap your hands and do the holiday dance. From Paris, Texas to Paris, France, put on your pants and do the holiday dance. Now the holidays are magic, the holidays are swell, filled with presents love, candles, doves and gingerbread-y smells. So wrangle up your horses and high-five your kitty's paw, because the holidays are here, now y'all shout, hee haw! And do the holiday dance, the holiday dance, clap your hands and do the holiday dance. From Paris, Texas, to Paris, France, put on your pants and do the holiday dance. One more time! Holiday dance, holiday dance, clap your hands and do the holiday dance. From Paris, Texas to Paris, France, put on your pants, put on your pants, put on your pants and do the holiday dance. Yee haw! Oh boy, I'll tell you what, I think I'm starting to melt. Yeah, we're cookies. That's right. We're going to show you how cookies get it done. Yeah. You ready? Ready. Cookie. Boogie. Cookie. Boogie. Cookie. Boogie. Cookie. Boogie. Cookie. Cookie. Cookie. Cookie. Boogie. Shake it like a cookie, boogie. Get down like a cookie, boogie. Party like a cookie, boogie. Cookie, cookie, boogie. Funky fresh, fresh baked, funky fresh, fresh baked, funky fresh, fresh baked, cookie, cookie, boogie. Dancing treat to the beat, dancing treat to the beat, dancing treat to the beat, cookie, cookie, boogie. Shake it like a cookie, get down like a cookie. Party like a cookie, boogie, cookie, cookie, boogie. Low fat, super flat, scat scat. Can you do that? Ha! You can't catch me. No. But you can cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, cookie, cookie, boogie. Cookie, boogie, cookie, cookie, boogie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, boogie. Cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, boogie. Boogie, boogie, boogie, boogie, cookie. Cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, boogie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, cookie, boogie. Yeah. Tasty, right? (SINGING) On one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! On one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! No matter who you are or what your age, no matter what holiday you celebrate, it's the time of year to bring some cheer to your family, your friends and your teacher. So on one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! On one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! Give hugs and gifts, be grateful, be merry. High-five your grandma and your best friend Carrie-- or whatever your best friend's name is. Do nice things for the people around you. If a little kid asks, then tie his blue shoe. Enjoy the snow, enjoy the beach, enjoy everything that's in your reach. But don't be greedy! And on one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! I said on one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! Take a vacation, have a celebration, make a donation and don't forget hydration, start a foundation, pet a dalmatian, give some adoration, make a quotation, spot a constellation and be a sensation! Now, on one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! One, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! On one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! On one, two, three, y'all shout with me, Happy Merry everything! Happy Merry everything. Grow gratitude. Hola. Hi there. Have a seat and get all nice and comfy. [SPEAKING SPANISH] You good? Yup, are you? Si. Good, now breathe in and out. And with each exhale, bring your attention to a different part of your body and relax it. Breathe in, and bring your attention to your eyes, your nose, and your mouth, and relax them. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Breathe in, bring your attention to your shoulders and arms, and relax them. [SPEAKING SPANISH] and bring your attention to your legs and your feet. [SPEAKING SPANISH] Now that you're nice and relaxed, close your eyes. Breathe in, and bring your attention to your heart. And think about something or someone that you're grateful for. Keep taking big, deep breaths and think of all the reasons why you're grateful for this something or someone. Feel this gratitude in your heart as you breathe in [INHALING] and out [EXHALING]. In [INHALING] and out [EXHALING].. In [INHALING] and out [EXHALING].. And now with each new inhale, let this feeling of gratitude grow. Inhale and spread to your eyes, nose, and mouth, [INHALING] and exhale [EXHALING]. Inhale to your shoulders and arms [INHALING] and exhale [EXHALING]. Inhale to your legs and feet [INHALING] and exhale [EXHALING]. Fill up your whole entire body with this wonderful feeling of gratitude. [INHALING] Breathe in and out [EXHALING].. Gratitude. Breathe in [INHALING] and out [EXHALING] gratitude. Gratitude. Remember this feeling, this magical feeling, and now, slowly open your eyes. And move forward with your day-- --filled with gratitude and love. Because-- [TOGETHER] You're the best. Happy Merry everything, buckaroos! Yee haw!