Victory Dance Page

Level 2/5Flash BoltonClassroom bot
Victory Dance
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earn a point for your champ!
Sing in France wearing pants as you do a victory dance!
[MUSIC PLAYING] Awesome sauce! Dance, jog, wiggle or shake to this stellar song. Victory! (SINGING) Do the dance Do the dance Do the victory dance In your pants Do the dance Do the victory dance Dance in France In your pants with your victory dance Take a chance Make a stance with your victory dance Fancy prance With expanse in your victory dance Shoot a glance Just by chance in your victory dance In advance Form a trance in your victory dance Learn finance Just perchance in your victory dance Oh Show me the money Bam! [INAUDIBLE] Woo, woo Booyah Yeah Do the dance Do the dance Do the victory dance In your pants Do the dance Do the victory dance Work it Own it Do it Be it Shake it, baby Woo! You are the champs.