Spooky Party Page

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Spooky Party
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Don’t be afraid to join the Best Tees at their rad dance party!
(SINGING) Spooky party. Gimme, gimme icky. Gimme, gimme, hairy. Gimme any creepy thing that might seem a bit scary. Take a second look at it, we promise you'll be glad. Don't freak out if it frightens you. It's really not that bad. Uh-huh, let us enlighten you. Spooky can be rad. Really? Cockroaches, flying overhead. They approach us. We could be filled with dread. No way. But those guys dealt with issues a whole lot worse than yours. You're scared of roaches? Huh, they used to deal with dinosaurs. Those bugs are cool. they hung with dinosaurs. That's rad. I love dinosaurs. Gimme, gimme, icky. Gimme, gimme, hairy. Gimme any creepy thing that might seem a bit scary. Take a second look at it, we promise you'll be glad. Don't freak out if it frightens you. It's really not that bad. Uh-huh, let us enlighten you. Spooky can be rad. Cool. The dark, floating in at night can overwhelm you when you turn off the light. But darkness can be calming, it's just like counting sheep, it's quiet, and it's restful, and it helps you go to sleep. Yeah, darkness can be soothing, it helps you fall asleep. You can't give every spooky thing its own verse in this song. You're right. Let's break it down. Spiders eat flies. Clowns, they're funny. Blood saves lives, and bees make honey, honey. Bats, they fly, and eyeballs see. That's true. Ghosts make quiet company. Vampires go to sleep real late. Shots, the worst of them's the wait. Car washes, they clean our cars. They do. And sharks, they make great movie stars. Skeletons keep us in motion. Aliens, a thrilling notion. Attic storage can't be beat. Baby dolls are still so sweet. Shadows tend to hide a mess. Mannequins are so well dressed. Frankenstein was really smart, and spider webs are works of art. Who invited the dentist? Who invited the car wash? Oh, that was me. I'm sorry. Gimme, gimme, icky. Gimme, gimme hairy. Gimme any creepy things that might seem a bit scary. Take a second look at it, we promise you'll be glad. Don't freak out if it frightens you. It's really not that bad. Uh-huh, let us enlighten you. Spooky can be rad. I'll protect you. That's rad. The besties spooky party.