Grate-ful for Cheese Page

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Grate-ful for Cheese
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Happy Cheese Day from your alien friend, Smevin! What are you grateful for this holiday season?
Greetings earthlings. It's your pal, Smedden. It's my favorite time of year here on Earth-- the holidays. Reminds me of our biggest holiday on my planet, Gorgonzola. It's called Cheese Day and it's a time when us Gorgonzolans all get together and express our gratitude for the most precious resource in the galaxy-- cheese. So while I reflect on what I'm thankful for-- Muenster, cheddar, mozzarella-- I invite you to join me and reflect on what you're thankful for. So find a comfortable place to sit and join me on this journey of gratitude. Are we all seated? OK. Close your eyes, earthlings, and let's start with a deep breath. In-- [INHALES SHARPLY] --and out. [EXHALES SHARPLY] As we breathe in through our noses, imagine you're breathing in all the wonderful smells of your earthly holidays-- grandma's fresh baked cookies, a succulent turkey, pine trees in the crisp winter air. I'll imagine the pungent aroma of a wheel of Limburger. Ready? Inhale. [INHALES SHARPLY] And exhale. [EXHALES SHARPLY] Now imagine something you're thankful for this season, something in your life that brings you joy or comfort, that makes you feel good. For me, that's a heap of freshly grated Parmesan. Maybe for you, it's a pile of crunchy leaves, a mug of hot chocolate on a cold day, your cat in a funny sweater. Even on difficult days, we can always think of something that we feel grateful for to help us feel a little better. My favorite part of Cheese Day is gathering around the fondue fountain with my family and friends to celebrate another year together on planet Gorgonzola. So let's send out thoughts of gratitude to those we care about. Picture your family and friends and in your heart say thank you to each one of them for the love and the joy they bring to your life. Thank you. Thank you. As we come to the end of our gratitude journey, take another deep breath. In-- [INHALES SHARPLY] --filling your heart with warmth and thankfulness, and out. [EXHALES SHARPLY] Exhale slowly, carrying this gratitude with you. Happy holidays, earthlings. I am grateful for you all. [MUSIC PLAYING] For more, check out Mr. Elephant on YouTube, Spotify, or wherever you get your music.